Profile of KH Integrated Agriculture Development Consult (KH IADC)
KH Integrated Agricultural Development Consultants (KH - IADC) is a company established in 2006, registered with the Ministry of Trade and Industry in Ethiopia. Our manager has extensive experience in Rural Development, Agriculture, Pastoral Development, Livestock Health, Livelihoods, WASH, Health, Conflict Management, Early Warning, and Capacity Building.
We have 4 core staff and over 10 part-time professionals in social and natural sciences, covering socio-cultural, legal, economic, technological, environmental aspects, as well as drought cycle management/emergency and relief, WASH, and conflict management. Over the last two decades, KH IADC has conducted more than 50 socio-economic studies, assessments, trainings, evaluations, and project preparations.
Core KH IADC Staff
Dr. Kassaye Hadgu
Humanitarian, Conflict, Project Design & M&E
Ato Alemu Assana
Hydrogeologist & WASH Expert (Oromia)
Ato Ejigu Jonfa
Agronomist & Participatory Expert
Dr. Solomon Nega
DRR & Training Expert (Somali, Oromia)